作者:大众彩票首页大厅 时间:2025-01-18 21:28:02
外媒报导,2018年俄罗斯世界杯招待效劳套餐出售经纪商怒放体育称之为,估算中国球迷将购买5万份总价值2500万美元(约合人民币1.7亿元)的招待效劳套餐,前往俄罗斯观赏世界杯。这一预估数字在中国队并未参予的历届世界杯中是最低的。缘由次要是中国人对足球的兴味日积月累,且中俄两国睦邻敌对,前往俄罗斯观赛更加便利。中国足球迷热情低下 回国俄观赛世界杯人数或创意低Chinese fans are expected to travel to the 2018 World Cup finals in record numbers with the growing interest in soccer and a cordial relationship with hosts Russia seen as key factors, despite the national sides failings on the pitch.虽然中国足球队在赛场上屡次取得胜利,但去现场观赏2018世界杯总决赛的中国球贼人数仍决意刷新纪录。
这次要是由于中国人对足球的兴味日积月累,而且中国与东道主俄罗斯关系敌对。China have only played at one World Cup, but Feng Tao, chief executive officer of marketing and events firm Shankai, believes fans will flock to Russia regardless.中国队只打入过一次世界杯。
但市场营销与活动公司怒放体育的首席执行官冯涛以为,即使如此,中国球迷还是不会涌进俄罗斯。We are confident we can bring more fans to Russia because of the relationship between Russia and China, said Feng, whose company has signed an exclusive deal with BH Hospitality to sell travel packages for the tournament to the Chinese market.怒放体育曾多次与BH Hospitality签订了一项向中国市场出售世界杯旅游套餐的独家协议,冯涛回应:我们置信,凭仗着中俄两国的关系,我们可以将更加多中国球迷带回俄罗斯。
The countries are very close, its much easier to go to Russia than it was to go to Brazil, which took 24 or 25 hours, or to South Africa, which took 14 or 15 hours. To go to Russia takes only seven hours from China, so its easier.。